Yes, since our last cornroast we have work on all of your preoccupations concerning… speeding on Grand-Poisson-Blanc Rd, directions on the Trans-Outaouais Rd and problems at the municipal boat launch at Bowman. We will be sending you a update on these matters via our new newsletter that Carla is working on. Also, all those members who have joined the neighbourhood watch project will be contacted before the end of October.

The water level is decreasing for boating but the falls colours are here till the end of the month so… why not take advantage of this before the cold season becomes reality!

Here are the letters that were send to the different municipalities. All letters are written in french… We welcome a volonteer to translate the letters for those who cannot read french!

Lac-Sainte-Marie (concerning speed limits on Grand-Poisson-Blanc and signage on the Trans-Outaouais):

Association Poisson Blanc_Limite de vitesse_Signalisation


Denholm (concerning signage on the Trans-Outaouais):


Bowman (concerning the municipal boat launch):


Our 2015 transparency tests are completed for Newton bay. Here are the results: transparence2015

For more details please follow this link: HERE

Hey! Dont forget to visit our Facebook page during the off season: lacpoissonblanc