Sorry we forgot to take a photo! About twenty five  old and new members attended our annual meeting. Two new executive members were elected. Carla Monette will be our new President and Pierre Charlebois will be our Vice-President.

As our new President said : «Although we come from different backgrounds. We ALL have a common goal that is the protection of our lake and our members.» Next year, each member should encourage an old or a new owner to join us. Think about it, the more owners we represent on the lake, the more seriously we can we help each other!

During the meeting, Margaret presented our buoy proposal which was accepted with a modification concerning the no-wake buoys that will be replace by signs… more details coming soon. We could also install a sign, if we have a request from a Bowman member.

Soon we will meet with the representative of the Newton Bay Association concerning the improvement of the MRC roads. We are planning to find out more about the water levels of our lake. Also, we are planning some consultations with our members to truly represent your concerns in the next year. See you soon neighbour!