Last year, some members mentioned that there was some problems at the other end of Newton Bay concerning invasive aquatic plants and erosion. Well, we wrote a letter and send your concerns to the Municipality of Lac-Sainte-Marie as a Association (in french): lettre_descente_bateau Here is their response that was favorable to our demands (in french): boatlauch_response So, this summer, they will install a new sign warning vacationers, using the boat launch, to be careful about their wake and also not to spread parts of aquatic plants on the lake. It’s a small step, but it helps! The problem of invasive aquatic plants can be partially controled if all boat owners,  are careful not to spread them. Those of you attending the FORUM on the May 2nd will hear a presentation by our neighbour association at lake Pemichongan about their experience with jute in controling aquatic plants. Remember that we are planning to install danger buoys (according to our budget) in the near future. A special thank you to Margaret for coordinating the buoy committee and also George who made some anchors for them.  If you are curious to know where: Proposition bouées_Buoy Committee