Before a NEWS SCOOP for our Bowman members!!!

On Friday, May 10, Linda Cornell (Bowman Area Vice President) and I met with the General Manager of Bowman, the Air-Eau-Bois Outdoor Base and one of the Base Administrators as well. We had some concrete and visible commitments that will be undertaken before the end of the summer. Linda will be attending our May 26 AGM to answer your questions. PS: The access ramp for canoes / kayaks will be strongly encouraged by the parking attendant.

Linda (VP), Mylène (Base), Alexandre (ADM Base) & Mylène (GMBowman)


Being together as its advantages, be part of our Poisson Blanc community!

Please renew your membership now so that we can budget early.

Whether by conviction, for a particular interest, for the family or any other reasons, your involvement in the defence of water protection in our lakes is such that you have chosen to be a member of our Association last year.

We will be very honoured to count you back as a member in 2019.

The amount of the annual membership fee remains the same as before, at $ 25. As of December 31, 2018, 83 influential and convinced people like you had joined our association and we are very proud of it (see the list at the end of the message). Sign of encouragement, as of today, we have received the membership of new members:

We are preparing for the long term ! For 2019, in collaboration with our members and various partners, our objectives are to continue our efforts to raise awareness to counter the threat of invasive alien species in our watershed, improve the regeneration of our shorelines, encourage the development of our community spirit, promote «ethical» navigation and the cleaning of boats. As well, encourage awareness in young and old to the protection of our surface and underground water.

This summer, with the help of COBALI and ABVdes7, we are going to undertake the largest study on invasive alien water species ever undertaken on the Poisson Blanc and Brochet lakes. This might be expensive for us so indirectly your contribution will help us in this common mission. We are all committed to protecting our environment in our watershed. Our quality of life depends on it.

Pierre Charlebois
President for 2018

If you wish to renew your 2019 membership. We accept PAYPAL, credit cards, INTERAC and regular mail please click on this link:


The day of our special new By-Laws acceptance meeting and our Annual General Membership Meeting will be held on Sunday, May 26, 2019 at the Municipal Hall of Lac-Sainte-Marie from 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm. A notice of this meeting and the detailed program will be sent to you later. In order to have the right to deliberate and vote at these formal meetings, all members must be in good standing and have paid their dues. Our Vice Presidents will be there to answer your concerns.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us directly at:

Here is a list of suggestions that were presented by our members, for the coming year:

• Seeding of fish (Poisson Blanc Lake);
• Protection of the natural aspect of our region;
• Access to the boat launch in Newton Bay;
• Stable water level (Poisson Blanc Lake);
• Behaviour of the users of our waterways;
• Awareness of invasive species (ex: mil foil);
• Protection of corridors between public lands;
• Access to washing stations for boats;
• Official partnership between Bowman, us and the Outdoor Base Air-Eau- Bois for the monitoring of the southern islands (Poisson Blanc Lake);
• Lack of volunteers or managers to take care of different projects .

Summary of the main changes in our Association for our 5th anniversary:

According to a decision of the board of directors in 2017 it was decided to revise our rules gradually but with 2018 AGM decision to clarify the rules of membership it was decided it was time to revise our rules completely so to be ready in 2019 with a new set of rules that would better reflect our evolution since the past five years. Here are the main changes:

1. About membership and admission requirements:

Version 2014:

Subject to the articles of association, the organization has only one (1) category of members. Membership is only available to individuals who wish to promote their intentions and whose application for membership has been accepted by resolution of the Board of Directors or in another manner determined by the Board. Each member has the right to receive notice of all meetings of the members of the organization, to attend these meetings and to exercise his right to vote.

Version 2019:
The Association has only one (1) category of members. Anyone can apply to become a member as long as he (she) supports his mission:
Protect the quality of water, groundwater, the environment and the quality of life throughout its watershed;
Respect and promote our code of ethics;
Promote our community spirit
Protect and defend the interests of its members.
Any application for membership must be accepted by the Board of Directors or in another manner determined by the Board. Each member has the right to receive notice of all meetings of the members of the organization, to attend these meetings and to exercise his right to vote.

Why this change?

As our President mentioned at our 2018 AGM, all of our committees operate on a voluntary basis. 95% of these volunteers are non-owners but used the Poisson Blanc lake. Should we sacrifice our volunteers to stay exclusively a property owner association?

Pierre thinks no, these people are essential for the viability of our Association so they can be part of our decisions, it’s the least we can do for them.

Please note: For our partner lakes (Newton and Brochet): Applications from local riparian landowners will be accepted but other users of their lakes will be at the discretion of the relevant administrators.

2. Our Association Name & Logo:

Version 2014:

Association des propriétaires du lac Poisson Blanc
(Poisson Blanc Lake Owners Association)

Version 2019:

Association du bassin versant du Poisson Blanc
(Poisson Blanc Watershed Association)

With a new logo that was created by Matthew Gibson and Carla Monette.

To be approved

Why this change?

Since 2015 we have accepted supporter members who pay their membership but who are not owners.

For example, members of the same family, used campers or others who take advantage of the Lac Poisson Blanc.

As mentioned, most of them take an active part in our various committees.

In addition, we have incorporated two lakes that are part of our watershed: Newton Lake and du Brochet. Which means that their lakes are pouring into the big reservoir that is the Poisson Blanc.

There is evidence that when we are together we have a power of persuasion that is greatly enhanced for the benefit of all.

For these two reasons, our president finds our name 2014 too exclusive and prejudicial and wants to propose a more unifying name.

In order to maintain the sense of belonging and “small family” each Vice President (eg Brochet and Bowman) would become like a president of a mini association that can have their own meetings and budget. The role of the Vice Presidents will be explained in more detail in our next email.

3. Function of the Vice-Presidents:

Version 2014:

Vice-President of the Board is a director. If the chair of the board of directors is absent or unable or unwilling to perform his or her duties, the vice-president of the board of directors, as the case may be, shall preside at all meetings of the board of directors and all meetings of the members in which he participates. Its functions and powers are determined by the board of directors.

When, in 2015, we accepted Newton Lake, Pierre decided with the approval of the board to modify the role of the Vice-President to the function of a lake representative or sector of Poisson Blanc thus the Vice-President function of Newton bay, Bowman and Newton lake were created.

Version 2019:

Vice-Presidents represent the interests of the Members for their respective sector.  Either for a lake of the watershed, for a particular sector of Lac du Poisson Blanc or for a pressure group made up of Members of the Association. They can:

Subject to the bylaws or directives arising from the Board of Directors, the Vice-President may put together a committee for their sector of influence. This committee may establish its internal procedural rules.

The Vice-President may choose a Secretary among its Members. The Secretary cannot be a Member of the Board of Directors.

The Vice-President and its Secretary have the duty of recruiting Association Members in their respective sectors.

Vice-Presidents must consult Members of their sector regularly to learn about their concerns through informal meetings, emails and other means and report to the Board of Directors and/or at the next General Meeting. An amount of money may be requested of the Board of Directors for these meetings or consultations.

If there is any political action or other actions stemming from this committee, it must be approved by the Board of Directors.

Why this change?

We have incorporated two lakes that are part of our watershed: Newton Lake and du Brochet. There was a need, as said by some members, to have a local feeling or in other words, being part a the family. Many believe as we growing bigger that we would loose this feeling just to become a big administrative association. Also, it is known fact, that bigger means impersonal or even out of touch with it’s base membership. To avoid this problem in the future expansion of our watershed association, Pierre decided (with the approval of the board) to better define the role of the Vice-Presidents as the REPRESENTATIVE of the members of a particular section of Poisson Blanc or a lake that is part of it’s watershed.

There is evidence that when we are together we have a power of persuasion that is greatly enhanced for the benefit of all.

If you want to read our complete rules and regulations that will be adopted on May 26:

4: Our Mandate:

Version 2016:

  • To protect and advocate the interests of its members;
  • To ensure that the wildlife and the ecology of our lake are protected;
  • Finally, to promote and support partnerships between users of our great lake.

Version 2019:

To see to the protection of the flora, wildlife and ecology of our watershed;

Ensure a monitoring role over the quality of the bodies of water and the underground water located in our watershed;

Promote partnerships between all users of our watershed who share our community values;

To protect and defend the interests of its Members.

Why this change?

In our discussions since 2016 many members were asking us to change our main focus from protection of owners rights to protection of the environment of our watershed. We listened!

If you want to read our complete rules and regulations that will be adopted on May 26:

News about the water level on Poisson Blanc:

Here is the transcript of the last email received from Brookfield Renewable:
«As for the current situation, as you know, the level of the reservoir of Poisson Blanc Lake will rise rapidly in the coming days by playing its vital role of protecting the residents of the Lièvre River (Collines-de-l’Outaouais RCM) and the Ottawa River (from the city of Gatineau to the Montreal region). ). No flooding is anticipated around the Poisson Blanc Reservoir. »

Curious to look at our 2018 photos?

Please follow this link: