In April and May we are getting ready for the new cottage season!

Do you care about your cottage community and your lake?

Become a member for lac Poisson or lac Newton!

We must replenish our funds to offer you even better services this year!

You have noticed that our Association is growing by the participation of our members and supporters.

We are recognized as a determined and responsible group by several local private and public organizations.

Our requests are seriously considered and this is the strength of the «Association des propriétaires du Lac Poisson Blanc».

Here’s how your membership funds were spent in 2017:

  1. Analysis of the transparency of the quality of the water in our lake;
  2. Awareness in the preservation of the shoreline;
  3. Maintain a network of buoys to signal the shoals in our lake;
  4. Maintenance of our website ( that is full of useful information;
  5. Production of an annual newsletter during springtime;
  6. Awareness, via our Facebook page, to the dangers of invasive species such as the zebra mussel;
  7. Organization of various community activities;
  8. Presenting your requests to the municipalities of Bowman and Lac Sainte Marie to improve the safety and tranquility for our members;
  9. Presenting your requests for the improvement of wireless telephony;
  10. Cleaning of some vandalized islands;
  11. Information for lac Newton users;
  12. Advocacy with the municipal authorities for the intensification of their actions in relation to the Montée Jean-Marc / de la Solitude and management of the boat descent in the Bowman sector.

We are adding 3 new activities this year, if our budget allows:

  • Bike tour;
  • Campfire with some music and story telling;
  • Exploration excursions in pontoon.

Don’t have a property but want to be part of our community join us as a associate member

This year again, your individual membership costs you: $ 25

We hope you will join us with this minimal cost.

We have a electronic payment system (PAYPAL / VISA / MASTERCARD)


Included also is a link to print and mail your registration is you prefer.

Please mark this on your agenda:

  • Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place at the Lacalong Restaurant in Lac-Sainte-Marie on June 16th starting at 11am. We will have a mini buffet and would be delighted to have you among us;
  • Our community dinner (Corn Roast) will take place on Saturday, August 4th on Carla’s property: 486 ch Grand Poisson Blanc;
  • We need a group of interested people to organize our next fishing tournament in 2018 so if you are interested in taking care of this project with friends please contact us quickly.

Have you read our latest edition of our spring newsletter? It has a new name: Insiders Scoop of the A.P. du lac Poisson Blanc !

If not, it is available here: 2018 ENG_Newsletter


For Québec residents

Remember that you are entitled to a tax credit for upgrading your septic installations (TP-1029 AE) and also for the restoration of a second home (RénoVert: TP-1029 RV).